Robert De Niro, the renowned actor known for his candid views on politics and societal issues, has expressed his deep frustration with the current state of affairs in America. In a heartfelt statement, De Niro has revealed his plans to leave the country, citing a lack of respect as one of the main reasons behind this decision.
A Time When Respect Existed
“There was a time when there was respect here. Now, I don’t see it anymore,” laments De Niro, highlighting the erosion of respect and values in American society. As a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, De Niro believes that the country no longer aligns with his personal values and the level of respect he considers vital.
Searching for a New Home
Although De Niro has not disclosed his intended destination, he assures his fans that finding a place that respects his beliefs and way of life is essential for his peace of mind and overall well-being. This decision marks a significant moment, as it reflects the sentiment of many others who also feel disillusioned with the current state of the nation.
A Hollywood Legend’s Departure
Robert De Niro’s departure from America is not only a loss for Hollywood but also a reflection of the broader sentiments of those who share his frustrations. Throughout his illustrious career, De Niro has not only been a legendary actor but also a vocal advocate for causes he believes in. His decision prompts us to consider the importance of respect in public discourse and the need for constructive dialogue in society.
Mixed Reactions
The public response to De Niro’s announcement has been diverse. Some understand and support his frustrations, while others perceive his choice as overly dramatic. Nevertheless, De Niro remains resolute in his decision, hoping to find a place that resonates more closely with his values.
Interesting to read
10 Signs You Are Unhealthily Dependent on a Man
Relationships between partners can be both a source of joy and support, and a cause of stress and emotional exhaustion. When one of the partners begins to lose their individuality, this can lead to a dangerous condition – unhealthy emotional dependence.
Emotional dependence is a condition when one person, due to their feelings and fears, begins to rely excessively on another, thereby losing their individuality and independence. Psychologist and sexologist Irina Roni outlined 10 signs that you are in such a dependence, as well as ways to get out of this state.
Emotional dependence on a man: what it is, signs
Constant anxiety about your partner
If you are constantly anxious about where your partner is or who he is communicating with, this may be a sign of unhealthy emotional dependence. For example, if you cannot concentrate on your affairs because you think about how he spends his time. This is an alarming signal
Ignoring your own needs
Feeling guilty at the thought that your desires can interfere with your partner indicates emotional dependence. If you constantly put your partner’s interests above your own, this can lead to internal conflict and a feeling of uncertainty (read also: “Pretty Liar: 5 Signs a Man Is Not in Love with You (But Is Just Taking Advantage of a ‘Convenient’ Position)”)
Feeling that you cannot be happy without a partner
If you believe that only a partner can make you happy, this may indicate an unhealthy emotional dependence. There is a category of girls who claim that “Happiness is when I am next to him,” but such a thought can become a trap…
Need for control
In emotional dependence, one partner may seek to control the other. For example, if a person forbids a partner to see friends, this is already an alarming signal. Love implies freedom of choice and respect for personal space.
Fear of loneliness
The main driving force of dependence is often the fear of being alone. Verbal and physical threats, such as “If you leave me, I’ll die,” indicate an unhealthy attachment. In love, people allow each other to grow.
Idealizing a partner
If you see your partner exclusively in a positive light and ignore their flaws, this can be a dangerous illusion. “He is my ideal, and I will never find anyone better” – such thoughts often lead to self-deception and suppression of real problems in the relationship.
Lack of personal boundaries
People who are emotionally dependent often do not respect each other’s personal boundaries. For example, constantly checking messages or calls are indicators of control. In love, there are boundaries that clearly delineate each other’s space.
Loss of interests and hobbies
If over time you stop doing what you like and your world revolves only around your partner, this can also indicate an unhealthy emotional dependence. Joy and satisfaction in life include many factors, and loss of interests can aggravate your condition.
Feelings of low self-esteem
Negative self-perceptions and the belief that you are unworthy of love are often associated with emotional dependency. People who are emotionally dependent on their partner say, “I can’t leave because no one else will love me.” This illusion can keep you firmly stuck in a failed relationship (read also: “A Narcissist on the Horizon: 3 Signs to Recognize Them in Time — and Keep Them Out of Your Heart”).
Repeated Cycles of Breakups and Makeups
If you notice that your relationship is going through constant breakups and makeups, this may indicate an unhealthy dynamic supported by emotional dependency.