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There’s just one food item you should add to your diet to help you get healthier. Which one?

Do we need a reason to love avocados? They’re buttery, delicious, and go great with a margarita. Case closed. But are they healthy? Turns out, avocados are packed with nutrients that every human being needs.

First, let’s talk fat. Sure, avocados have a lot of fat, but it’s mostly healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. These fats help nourish your hair, skin, and nails while supporting your overall health in a multitude of ways.

Registered dietitian Sonia Angelone says, “The fat in avocados helps increase the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and other beneficial plant compounds. They can also reduce inflammation, reduce the insulin spike after a meal, and help you feel fuller and more energized. Which means you’ll eat less at your next meal.”

Avocados protect against disease
In addition to a good dose of healthy fats, avocados contain other nutrients, including vitamin K and potassium, which are important for maintaining healthy bones and blood pressure.
Their phytochemical content is also important for maintaining good vision.
Plus, they contain folate, which is essential for a healthy pregnancy.
Some studies even suggest that avocados may have anti-cancer and anti-depressant properties.
There’s a catch
One downside to this juicy fruit is that it contains about 21 grams of fat (about 250 calories) per medium-sized avocado. Sonia says, “Women on average need about six servings of fat a day — or the amount of fat in one avocado.”

If weight gain is a particular concern, limit your intake to half an avocado a day.

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